Popong 21 - Friday Night Reflection

Random Thoughts On A Quiet Friday Night
The day passed uneventfully. I woke up, meditated, went back to sleep, and decided to skip my early morning walk, thinking I might do it after work. That didn’t happen, despite the weather being absolutely perfect. There was, however, something else that gave me a pleasant feeling— in less than a week, I will receive my first Social Security payment. It will probably be a short-lived elation, receiving money without working hard for it. Meanwhile, I continue my paid work, even if it's only two hours per day, and then move on to my second occupation—the work that isn’t paid but gives me immense pleasure. This includes reading, meditation, blogging, and as of yesterday, programming with AI.
I am also managing my emotions better. The desire to socialize with low-level homeless people is losing its appeal. I have outgrown that phase, and I’m better off spending time with people who match my intellectual capacity. I’m not referring to the upper crust, the upper class, or the sophisticated elite in my locality. I mean engaging with authors and writers whose minds surpass mine, allowing me to absorb lessons and teachings my brain craves. I recently read amazing books about AI, a topic I intend to explore in my blog when I get the chance. I’m currently reading about simplistic, almost monastic hermits who shun the world, money, fame, and power to live off the land, away from the comforts of technology and modern amenities. There is so much I can enjoy without spending my time working to earn a living. I can do as I please while being supported by my fixed income.
Yesterday, I had a realization: I am, without a doubt, a nerd—someone who clamors for intellectual pursuits I once abandoned due to the necessities of life. I worked in healthcare all my life because it was the only safe and reliable way to earn a good income to support myself and my extended family. But I sacrificed my personal intellectual interests.
This is precisely what I fear: this nation has placed so much value on those who accumulate wealth that it equates their financial success with intelligence and genius. People surrender their lives to these figures, hoping to improve their own, which essentially means becoming wealthy. Anyone who promises riches is adored and idolized—until the truth emerges. And the truth is this: those who have amassed great wealth did not do so because they were exceptionally intelligent; rather, they outsmarted the ignorance of the very people who admire them. In a society where sensational claims—true or not—can easily transfer money from one hand to another, we see repeated cycles of illusionary wealth creation.
Consider the false accumulation of wealth: cryptocurrency is based on its ‘imagined’ value; Tesla was hyped as the savior from fossil fuels, yet it remains far from fulfilling those early promises; same is true with SpaceX and Mars; artificial intelligence is now marketed as the next wealth generator—naturally benefiting those who are already rich. Social media entices users with the prospect of earnings, but only after recruiting more people to engage with their platforms. All these are nothing more than artificial, sensationalized ploys designed to generate excitement and awe while luring people into freely giving away their data, attention, dreams, investments, and aspirations.
Now, people are turning into zombies, their minds controlled by social media, artificial intelligence, manufactured news, spectacular theories, and false validation through likes and views. These are the games being played, and the big players are laughing all the way to the bank.
I continue this journal on a Saturday night. It was a perfect Saturday as well. I meditated and walked at least six miles. For lunch, I tried to eat healthily—a meal of vegetables and fish. Earlier in the day, I entered a deep mental zone, writing an exercise article with AI’s assistance. In doing so, I discovered how slow my website is when handling large videos. I realized I am better off embedding videos from YouTube or other sources because they are optimized for speed. It took me hours to upload a 100MB video to my ‘images’ directory, and it was rejected multiple times. I eventually transferred the file through FileZilla, which took forever, only for it to fail to play. In the end, I embedded the YouTube version instead.
This experience reinforced why shorter reels perform better on social platforms. Larger videos require more processing power, whereas shorter ones load faster, which explains why TikTok garners more views. The same principle applies to embedded music—it increases file size and slows down performance. These are things to consider when uploading content to different platforms.
Despite my reservations about the goals of social media and modern technology—which seem focused on creating addicts of the virtual world—the internet has significantly transformed my life as a retiree. Without it, I would not have access to the world as I do now. Without the internet, I might become restless, roaming around, reading newspapers, or observing people like old men did in the past. Retirees often turn to each other for companionship, as I still see in parks and other public spaces. The only reason I can manage without physical companionship is the presence of Jim, my tenant and friend. He has become like a brother to me—the only brother, in fact. Without him, I would likely seek companionship elsewhere, possibly ending up with the wrong crowd.
With the internet and social media, I can bring the world into my home. It’s similar to how older generations would sit by their windows, watching people pass by. Now, all I have to do is open my smartphone and engage with whatever or whomever I choose. Some of these remote connections even allow for interaction at the touch of a button. This provides a refreshing perspective on retirement, though I must be cautious of becoming too dependent on it.
Would my retirement be different without the internet? Most likely, but I would still survive. My days would be spent writing, reading newspapers, and visiting bookstores and libraries. I might garden more, continue my two-hour daily work, and maintain my exercise routine to manage my diabetes. The main thing missing would be the social engagement the internet provides.
Before the internet, I would visit libraries for news and research. I would frequent bookstores just to feel the presence of other intellectuals, even if we never spoke. I thrived in that environment pre-internet. I would roam bookstores and cafes, enough to meet my mobility requirements for maintaining my health. I miss those days, especially my time at Borders in Fort Lauderdale, where I found the greatest comfort. It was an exciting era of browsing shelves, magazines, and books. So, yes, I would survive retirement without the internet, and I might not be as isolated as I fear.
The internet discourages me from physically seeking intellectual nourishment—it’s all available in my room. While I am naturally inclined toward solitude, social media has reduced my desire to move around. Yet, it has granted me access to limitless knowledge and the tools to refine my craft. Before the internet, I aspired to publish well-written articles after hiring expensive editors. Now, I can self-publish via my blog. The greatest advantage? AI as my editor, turning my thoughts into polished gems.
Publishing today is vastly different from the past. Instead of endless revisions and engaging with editors who cater to business interests, I can write, edit, and publish instantly. Still, it’s a balancing act between the physical and virtual worlds. The physical world provides experiences to write about, while the virtual world refines and shares them. Writing, moving my body, reading, and engaging with AI create a partnership between these two, physical and virtual, realms.
Ultimately, I am grateful for both worlds. My physical experiences enrich my virtual contributions. The challenge is ensuring a balance between the two—engaging in the real world while harnessing the benefits of the digital one.
2025-03-06 17:19:44